Monitor and analyze small and large areas, explore vegetation and soil data on geolocated databases and generate interactive maps.
For decades, Earth observing satellites have been collecting data on different aspects of Earth’s system through a variety of instruments, obtaining observations that cannot be acquired from the ground.
By analysing and processing these data, we can better understand how Earth’s environment is evolving over long time-periods, delivering insight into the impacts and drivers of climate change.
Information technology, which is the use of technology to collect, process, store, retrieve, and exchange all kinds of data and information.
Satellite and earth observing data. Nabu can work with multiple EOS data, from both satellite (for example ESA Copernicus Sentinel) and UAVs sources.
Data analysis. Nabu uses patent pending technology and proprietary algorithms to obtain effective feedbacks from data.
Vertical markets: Emergencies (flood prevention, chemical leakage monitoring), Industrial (chemical wastewater pollution, seawater desalination), monitoring of fire-prone areas.